Everything Attraction

He Used The Law Of Attraction To Attract The Life He Wanted

“Do not let skeptic people and their opinions drive you away from what you deserve. There is a Universe of abundance available to all of us. It is our responsibility to work and reach for what belongs to us.”

Manifestation stories help us to stay motivated in our own line for success. When we cheer for each other, we draw closer to our own desires. Well, let’s draw even closer by listening to our next manifestation story from a wonderful individual named Tony who manifested the life he desired.

Within three years of studying and practicing the principles of the Law of Attraction, Tony’s life has changed completely.

My salary went up from $39,000 to $83,000, we went from a 800sqft to a 2500sqft home(I now own two houses), I purchased a Cadillac and a BMW, I have a swimming pool in my backyard, I have been featured in the papers and utilities state magazine, I received an award by the Town Mayor, completed my Doctorate in Theology, I bought my wife a $3,000 wedding ring, I have traveled to exotic places, and I have been happier than ever.”


One of Tony’s new houses.

Before The Manifestation Story

I was living for 22 years in an 800 sqft. house out in the country that had warped floors, rotten wood, mold, roaches, and from time to time we had to fight a snake or two. I was working for a company that was paying me $36,000 a year to supervise its groundwater supply system, and there was no room for promotion insight. I drove a 2010 Honda Accord Coupe V6 in which I kept getting speeding tickets since I had to commute to work for one hour in both directions daily. I was also in my last year of bankruptcy after five years of being cast out from all the financial institutions. So the truth is, I was very bummed out and unhappy. My mind was always saturated with thoughts of dissatisfaction. I was always dreaming of a big house with a swimming pool, a Cadillac, an awesome job…you know… Happy.

I was overwhelmed with my own thoughts. I felt tired all the time. I walked away from the church after being a devoted Christian for six years.”

Do you know this feeling? The feeling of being stuck in a situation and trapped in a mind of repetitive negative thoughts? It’s almost like your mind is like a prison. We’ve all been there. It’s only human. But it takes acknowledgment to realize that we are in this space in order to move forward. If not, we’ll stay in this rut of unhappiness.

Contrasting Moment

“I began noticing that I was getting headaches more frequently than ever.  I came to the conclusion that the amount of thinking that I was doing daily was finally reaching the core in my brain.  So, one morning at work I began googling the word ‘Overthinking’ and presto; I came across the most revealing study ever that changed my life. Did you know that a person can have up to 50,000 thoughts in one day? ‘That has to be exhausting,’ I said.  All that thinking, and especially in the early morning as I was getting dressed to go to work. I got to tell you… it’s not productive at all.

So, I came across a book by Andy Shaw called A Bug Free Mind and I gave it an honest try.  I began practicing ‘No Mind’ or practically saying ‘Not thinking for extended periods of time.’  It was hard at the beginning, but it paid up in the long run. I can go one hour without having a single thought and it is a blessing I tell you.  In the same book, he mentioned the Law of Attraction and this got my attention. Like attracts Like… that did not sound hard at all to comprehend. I was already a Christian and I knew what the Bible said in Proverbs 23:7 ‘As a man thinks with his heart, so is he.’ So if I feel like a rich man, soon or later I will become one. This totally changed my life.  To literally see where science meets religion; it blew my mind up.”

A lot of times, we stay focused on your contrasting moments which are meant to help us figure out what we want in life. When we focus more on the lack of our desires, it first affects us emotionally, but in time, it affects our health. In this case, headaches were frequent. It is the body’s way of communicating that the mind is not in alignment with the desires he wanted for himself. This has led him to look up the word “overthinking” which, in turn, helped him to find Andy Shaw’s “A Bug Free Mind.” Law Of Attraction finds ways to get through to you. There are multiple, infinite, and endless possibilities to get you to your desires.

Manifestation Process

a) I first learned how to control my thoughts. The less I think, the best, and when I do think, I think positive and productive thoughts.

b) I do not believe that I am successful, I know that I am successful.  I knew that I was going to obtain the loan for the car, I knew that I was going to obtain the mortgage, and I knew that I was going to obtain the job right after the interview.  Knowing is everything.

c) I replaced the word manifestation with the word obtain.  When we say that we manifest, we are taking credit for what is manifested,  when in reality it is the universe who provides for us. When I say I obtained, I am acknowledging that I am the receiver which gives the credit to the provider; The Universe.

d) I applied the Law of Reciprocation.  Give and you shall receive. If I need money, I give money to others first.  When I need encouragement, I encourage others first. Do you get my drift?

e) Finally, I act like what I want to be. Like attracts Like.

Many people find it hard to control their thoughts, but it does take practice. One way to practice is meditation. Usually when people generally hear the word “meditation,” they think that there is something that needs to be done while meditating. In fact, it is the complete opposite. You are doing nothing. Just empty your mind of all thoughts. It may help to call it a different name like “Clearing” or “Releasing”, or anything else that you may resonate with.

Knowing is also a powerful way of manifesting. Truly knowing that what you want will come true no matter what contrasts comes your way. Even knowing that the contrasts are blessings in disguise will also help to get to where you want to be.

Changing words that better resonates with you will help with better feeling thoughts and emotions. In Tony’s case, he changed the word “Manifestation” to the word “Obtain.” For me personally, I chose to use “Allow.” Allowing or just letting my desires come to me.

The Law of Reciprocation is also another way to help manifest. Make sure that when you are doing something for someone else, you are feeling good while doing it. Not out of a chore-like action, but knowing that you are genuinely helping someone else while knowing that you will receive help in either the same way or different way. This coincides with “like attracts like,” meaning whatever you put out, you will get in return.

Manifestation Journey

I always act as if. That is the Law of Attraction.

I first decided what I wanted from life. I wanted to be successful in everything I did. That was the goal.

I bought clothes that made me look successful, began speaking like I was successful, and I surrounded myself with successful people. Three months later, job offers began showing up in my email while offering me a good title and excellent money. The bank approved me for a car loan and a house mortgage with no hassle whatsoever. The rest is history.

As soon as I begin to have any feelings of doubt, I stop whatever I am doing and immediately clear my mind of all thoughts. Another thing I do is to take ten minutes a day to admire everything I have obtained using the Law of Attraction.  I also exchange experiences with others who have had success with the Law of Attraction. It is a continuous effort, but the more you practice, the better you get.

Again “like attracts like.” “Act as if.” Find a goal and act like you have already achieved that goal. Pretend that you are already where you want to be or have what you already have. Then soon you will see signs of your vibrational/emotional reality in your physical reality. “That is the Law of Attraction.” If doubt does occur, find appreciation for the things you already have and remember when you first wanted what you currently have.

Manifestation Length

In the beginning, it took almost three months before things began to happen where I began realizing that the Law of Attraction was in effect. I have obtained desires that took six months to obtain and at the same time I have obtained desires that it only took me a week.  It varies depending on what exactly I am desiring.

Everybody has different lengths of time where they may see their manifestation of their desires. It all depends on the limitations, or blockages, they have towards their desire. The Universe will always give you your desires from the road of least resistance. Depending on how big or small your resistance is, would be the time that it would take for it to get to you. Try not to work on your resistances, or blockages, as this will put more attention to it. Remember, energy flows where attention goes. –Tony Robbins. You want your energy to be towards your desire instead. To help with this, ask yourself why you want this specific desire(s). Don’t worry about the how or when as this is also a resistance. Allowing and knowing that your desire will come will help it come to you faster. But again, don’t worry or think about the time that may take.

Tony’s Advice

There is a difference between ‘Manifestation’ and the ‘Law of Attraction’, and knowing the difference will speed up your progress.  When someone focuses on manifestation, they are truly desiring to bring something to reality that they had desired for quite some time.  It requires focus, meditation, affirmation, and much belief. Truth be told, it takes a lot of work, and that’s why so many people fail at it. The Law of Attraction is much simpler; all you have to do is identify exactly what you desire, and then begin acting like what you want to attract.

Let me explain.  If what you want is to attract money, then begin assessing what career you would really love to do, and begin dressing, talking, walking, and surrounding yourself with people that do what you love.  In no time the Law of Attraction will attract that career to you providing you with the money that you always wanted to attract. It is always more satisfying to have a flow of abundant income that exceeds your needs than manifesting a lump sum of money that lasts only for a short season.

I always advise you to pursue the career of your dreams. Then, use the Law of Attraction to reach the highest level of that career by dressing like, talking like, walking like, and surrounding yourself with people alike.  That is my favorite secret… Like attracts Like.

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