Everything Attraction

Change Your Vision to Change Your World

“Ya drishti, sa srishti
“The world is as you see it.”

The Yoga V ā sishta

What if, every day, we create our world anew? Can we really do this? When we work with the Law of Attraction, this is what we aspire to. But what does it take to bring about lasting change? The above scriptural verse from ancient India gives us a clue: “The world is as you see it.” It seems so simple and yet full of promise. It points to our ability to create: If the world is truly as we see it, then how do we choose to see it? What are we choosing to create?

Law of Attraction states that we can create our world once we understand that we are the masters of our creative process. Now, it is one thing to believe this, to say this, but above all, we need to live this truth. If we want to create what we want, we must live it; we must live as if we are creating our world moment by moment through our thoughts, words, and actions.

Live it? Live the creative process? Wow, now that sounds like hard work! In this modern world of instant gratification, sound bites, Instagram and Facebook, it takes discipline to commit to learning just one particular thing, to memorize it and mull it over, rather than scrolling to the next thing grabbing our attention. But this brings great focus, and this focus has great power.

Pair it with joy, another Law of Attraction indispensable element, and it is virtually effortless to attract the things that we want. Joy takes the drudgery out of the creative process. Joy and focus equals truly enjoying the creative process. If it’s a chore, we are not on the right track. Our creative process needs to be juicy, fun, full of deliciousness! That way we will continue to engage with it fully.

Not long ago, I decided that I wanted to deepen my writing career and write more about LOA and spirituality. I began to visualize it, think about it, verbalize it. I didn’t know how it was going to happen or when it was going to happen, I just knew it was going to happen. I would say “I am a writer.” “I write on spirituality and the LOA.” Focusing on this with a lot of attention and joyfulness, I made sure I felt great about the decision, that I was happy and uplifted when I thought about it. And then, to my absolute delight, the invitation came from Jen to contribute to the Everything Attraction website. A joyful beginning!

So if, as our opening verse says, the world is truly how we see it, why not make the effort to see it as joyful, full of creative potential, full of new beginnings? In New Zealand, we celebrate Matariki, the Māori New Year. This celebration signals the winter solstice in the Southern Hemisphere; a moving towards the spring, the season of creation and renewal.

I went with my sister, nephew, and niece for the Matariki celebration at the children’s school. Part of the celebration was a lantern walk: We each chose a beautiful colored lantern, lit it, and followed a path surrounded by many beautiful lights, lanterns and decorations. The path led to an arch adorned with many tiny lights, an arch of new beginnings, an entry point into a new world of countless new possibilities. As we walked through the arch, we made an intention for the New Year and what we hoped it would bring us.

As I looked at all the beautiful colored lanterns, all bearers of light and yet all so different in their unique, beautiful ways, it struck me that the LOA is like this. Each lantern was beautiful and unique, like our unique intentions. We all don’t want the same things. Our unique intentions are like points of light; they let the light of creation enter the world in infinite variety. Yet despite the variety, the different colors, shapes, and patterns, the light of creation is the same.

So, what world do you want to create? Become clear and make the initial intention so that it can come about. Revisit your intention and strengthen it through your thoughts, words, and actions. Let your creative process gain momentum, accumulate power. Have unshakeable faith. Even when it seems nothing is happening, keep going. Enjoy it! Let your creative process unfold and let it shape your world. Because, as the Yoga Vāsishta says: “The world is as you see it.”

“The world is as you see it.”

Yoga Vāsishta
Law of Attraction Manifestation Calendar 2019

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